🌍 46/This Week in Web3forGood
The Gitcoin Alpha Round, WEF, Protocol Labs white paper, Verra consultation, and so much more...
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The Gitcoin Alpha Round is here and we are excited to donate to support public goods, and collect our POAPs! Learn more about the round on the latest GreenPill podcast And if you want a Google calendar with all the Twitter Spaces around the Alpha Round, click here.
If you want to attend Schelling Point - be sure to apply for your early bird ticket! (PS: You need to apply to ETHDenver to access the venue!)
A lot of news coming out this week with the World Economic Forum taking place in Davos - check out the DAO Toolkit and VCM briefing paper, the Protocol Labs released a white paper on Impact Evaluators, Verra concludes its consultation, and so much more…
Do you want to write for the newsletter? Reach out to us if you do!
WAGMI - (we are going to make an impact)
What’s Inside
📣 Latest News
📚 What We’re Thinking About
🚀 Opportunities
📡 On Our Radar
Tweet of the Week
📣 Latest News
The nomination window for RetroPGF Round 2 is officially open!
Bankers and Regulators Find Common Ground on Crypto at Davos
IMPT Announces €50 Million 10-Year Deal to Purchase Carbon Credits from Thallo
Verra Concludes Consultation on Third-Party Crypto Instruments and Tokens
📚 What We’re Thinking About
Impact markets may set incentives that prevent exactly the sort of projects that are good across many moral systems and worldviews from being able to benefit from them. Prospective funding suffers from the same problem, so it is not a disadvantage of retrofunding over prospective funding, read about the retrofunder’s dilemma here. (Impact Markets)
The Voluntary Carbon Market: Climate finance at an inflection point - A briefing paper by the WEF and Bain & Company provides insight into the critical challenges delaying the voluntary carbon market from achieving scale. It also recommends actions that corporate leaders can adopt to address these challenges as part of a decarbonization agenda.
Looking to understand ReFi? Look no further. (Rick Alexander)
2022 was a huge year for Filecoin Green, click here to learn why! (FilecoinGreen)
This week on the Encrypted Economy podcast, hear from Anna Lerner Nesbitt, CEO of Climate Collective as she discusses the digitization of the value chain to create transparency and verifiability. (Encrypted Economy)
DeFi, DAOs and NFTs: Crypto is redefining how charities raise funds (CoinTelegraph)
Celo brings up a meaningful and timely panel discussion the world desperately needs - how can decentralization tech help with real-world problems and build a brighter collective future for all? (CyberConnec)
Co-founder of Celo, Rene Reinsberg, CasperLabs co-founder, Medha Parlikar and Chainalysis CEO and co-founder Michael Gronager discuss how the Web3 industry is coping and discuss future volatility. (CNBC)
🚀 Opportunities & Events
Share: Are you working on a project or technology focused on Web3xClimate and would like to be included in the World Economic Forum? Share your details, here.
Attend: The Planet Positive Hackathon, hosted by RefiDAO from April 22-24nd, get your info here.
📡 On Our Radar
Inclusive Blockchain for Africa (IB4A) is a project to educate technical and non-technical individuals on the possibilities of blockchain technology. They expose non-technical people to blockchain fundamentals and train technical individuals on how to build decentralized applications on the Celo blockchain.
Born during the Defi for The People hackathon, 2heavens transforms people's relationship with their wealth and inheritance through clarity of information about their crypto assets.
The Ancients is the second project launched on ChangeDAO’s NFT Giving Platform. Ancients is meant as a portal to the past, for you to feel connected to your distant ancestors. And through that connection, to find that we are all united to each other, across differing geographies and ethnicities.